Col Bione

Piedmont, Italy

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Obligatoire Lancer Direction du vent


45.0781, 7.2785 : 1470.0 m

Zone d'atterrissage

45.0484, 7.3004 : 661.0 m

lever du soleil

7:17 AM

Le coucher du soleil

7:29 PM

Fuseau horaire

heure normale d’Europe centrale (+0200)

This flying site is rarely frequented by local pilots due to its complicated accessibility and limited XC potential. At the same time is quite nice flying site for local flight, top landings. A mini XC would be following the crest towards Trucetti flying site.

Top landing is easy, and mostly preferred place to land. If unable to top/land, there are fields below in Coazze (see the landing marker). First step is getting to colle Braida (by asphalted road from Giaveno, also reachable by Bus). From Braida parking take the gravel road to the west and follow the signs to Col Bione (the road does not require an off-road vehicle but still low clearance are not suggested). Take the sharp right turn 200m after the parking. Then take left road in the next road splits. Eventually you should end up on a road going on the crest of the mountain separating valle Susa from valley of Giaveno. Go until end of the road, then approx 10min walk.

Do not go in Valle Susa for landing in later spring and summer months and mid-day hours, string valley breeze may ruin the landing. Do not attempt to fly with Foen winds! What may appear as good breeze may actually be the ascending part of rotor.

9 km
11 km
17 km
18 km
35 km
34 km
36 km
37 km
46 km


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SE 0 5
SSE 0 5
S 10 0
SSW 0 0
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NNW 0 0