
Aosta Valley, Italy

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Conditions actuelles

Pas d'alertes.

Rappelez-vous avant chaque vol, vérifiez votre équipement , réévaluez les conditions et demandez-vous si «je suis en sécurité »?

Obligatoire Lancer Direction du vent


45.7697, 7.0683 : 1651.0 m

Zone d'atterrissage

45.7603, 7.04 : 949.0 m

lever du soleil

7:18 AM

Le coucher du soleil

7:30 PM

Fuseau horaire

heure normale d’Europe centrale (+0200)

The identified landing field is the official one but not the most easiest or suitable place at all. A good alternative is here: N45.754368,E7.038577 It is a bog field between the river and railroad, and is completely flat. Pay attention to the water sprayheads on the fields and the fact sometimes the field is used for town's events such as the the cow fights. The best is to check the availability of that field before the flight.

Absolutely no flying, even not thinking, when foehn or string norderly winds are present. Strong valley breeze may also be a concern.

18 km
22 km
25 km
30 km
30 km
33 km
47 km
47 km
53 km
53 km


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