Vallon Pont d'Arc

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

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Obligatoire Lancer Direction du vent


44.4241, 4.3841 : 280.0 m

Zone d'atterrissage

44.4161, 4.3884 : 113.0 m

lever du soleil

7:29 AM

Le coucher du soleil

7:41 PM

Fuseau horaire

heure normale d’Europe centrale (+0200)

For coming in the site : When you comes from the O you take a small Road behind the most COOPERATIVE of Ardeches's Wines just before Entering in the Samll Town Called 'Vallon Pont D'Arc' (the best site for Kayak Canoe)... You must walk with your bag, you've 2 Take off at two different levels (it depends of your Body Health !! ;-))) 1st Level Take off : 75 m (very low but interesting when it's windy in Soaring) 2nd Level : near 150 m hight better for Thermals conditions On the bottom of this Site You have a small field (without cultures).... na. na. na.

Be carefull of th 'under the wind' if it's windy

23 km
24 km
32 km
33 km
36 km
44 km
50 km
51 km


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