job-ambert Cornillon

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

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Obligatoire Lancer Direction du vent


45.6378, 3.75333 : 1123.0 m

lever du soleil

7:33 AM

Le coucher du soleil

7:42 PM

Fuseau horaire

heure normale d’Europe centrale (+0200)

the town council seams to had big effort to do a free-flying stadium.

alti: 1150m a clearing in the forest, easy for 2 glids in front! alti: 600m. when you come from 'Ambert' it's after the village center, near the pub 'le beau bar'. Neck 'Chansert' direction. from 'Ambert' go to the north during 3 km on the road D906. Turn on the right (D66 road) and cross 'La Forie' village. Stay on this road and cross 'Job'. Go to the neck 'col de Chansert' and follow the sign 'site de vol-libre'. Before the neck turn on your left to take a track with the sign 'décollage du Cornillon'. Follow this sign during +-2km. You can parc your car near the take off :-) na. na.

2 km
17 km
19 km
34 km
35 km
41 km


N 0 5
NNE 0 0
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ENE 0 0
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ESE 0 0
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SSE 0 0
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SSW 0 0
SW 0 5
WSW 0 5
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NW 10 0
NNW 0 5