Bellyache Ridge

Colorado, USA

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Conditions actuelles

Pas d'alertes.

Rappelez-vous avant chaque vol, vérifiez votre équipement , réévaluez les conditions et demandez-vous si «je suis en sécurité »?

Brian Doub A enregistré un 6 vol de km
Brian Doub A enregistré un 24 vol de km
Its On! Get down here! Jacob Zarick enregistré
Light and cooking
Marcus Willis A enregistré un 4 vol de km

Obligatoire Lancer Direction du vent

Oath Attempt While Paragliding Bellyache Ridge, CO - 3-19-16
I, (Taylor Joseph Gardarian), witness my inertial impact identity and do affirm that it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: I will support and defend ...
Aaron Hughes A ajouté ceci


39.6601, -106.658 : 2641.0 m

Zone d'atterrissage

39.6693, -106.646 : 2160.0 m

lever du soleil

7:10 AM

Le coucher du soleil

4:43 PM

Fuseau horaire

heure normale des Rocheuses (-0700)

Pilots are urged to join before flying Bellyache Ridge.

Both landing and launch are paved drive to locations. Bellyache is a P2 rated site and registered by the local Vail Soaring Club. Visiting pilots and tandem passengers are urged to contact David Champaign at: or Greg Kelley at The landing site and tandem passenger meeting area and directions are available from Google Maps following the link from our website. To get to launch: take I70 exit 157 (Wolcott), turn left (south) at end of ramp and follow Bellyache Ridge Rd. up. To get to LZ: take I70 exit 163. Take hwy 6 west, North on “Beard Creek Rd” over bridge (crossing Eagle River), then back West on Red Canyon Estates Rd. LZ is all the way at the end of this road between I-70 and Eagle River.

Primarily flown in the mornings before the winds shift and come 'over the back'. Watch out for the wind shift.

5 km
16 km
39 km
44 km


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NE 0 5
ENE 0 5
E 10 0
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 0
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SSW 0 0
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